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LIV Kansas City Chiefs

The ring features a total of nine baguette diamonds which total 0.9 carats, two marquise diamonds equaling 0.7 carats and 244 round diamonds making up 3.3 carats. The ring also boasts four baguette rubies, and 32 custom-cut rubies which are equal to 5.95 carats. Overall, the ring has an total gem carat weight of 10.85 carats.

Made in 10-karat gold the ring weighs an incredible 84.79 grams.

LIV Kansas City Chiefs top
LIV Kansas City Chiefs right
LIV Kansas City Chiefs left
LIV Kansas City Chiefs bottom
60 Diamonds
Top: 60 DIAMONDS set inside an arrowhead-shaped adornment (For 60 seasons, the Kansas City Chiefs have been proud defenders of Chiefs Kingdom)
Custom cut ruby
Letters KC created in YELLOW GOLD SHIMMER with 16- CUSTOM CUT RUBIES that represent the franchise's 10 AFC West division titles combined with six playoff appearances under Head Coach Andy Reid.
50 Diamonds
50 DIAMONDS surround the rubies and logo that signify the 50 years between Super Bowl victories.
122 Diamonds
122 DIAMONDS cascade along the ring top edges, calling to mind the 100th season of the NFL, and the 22 playoff appearances in franchise history.
20 Marquise Diamonds
2 MARQUISE DIAMONDS represent the two Super Bowl victories.
4 Princess-cut Rubies
4 PRINCESS-CUT RUBIES on the top and bottom ring edges symbolize four straight AFC West titles from 2016 to 2019.
Yellow Gold
The words WORLD CHAMPIONS crafted from contrasting YELLOW GOLD, appear on the ring's outermost edges.
Yellow Gold
On the left side, the ring recipient's name sits at the top in shining YELLOW GOLD.
The player's number or title set in DIAMONDS.
Yellow Gold
The right side pays tribute to the fanbase at the top with the words CHIEFS KINGDOM in YELLOW GOLD.
White Gold
The Super Bowl LIV logo is set in WHITE GOLD.
9 Diamonds
One shank has 19 DIAMONDS lined up horizontally across the top with "CHIEFS KINGDOM". The other side too. Total = 38 DIAMONDS.
6 Diamonds
On the top and bottom side there are 6 diamonds on each side (12 total).
15 Diamonds
In the number are an average of 15 small diamonds.
Estimated cost to recreate: